The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 477 - Next! (2)

"Do you mind if I keep these for myself? Shoes from my world are cool and all, but I can\'t find any of them that have such stat. But on second thought, I can make better ones myself so... bye bye special shoes" Arnold asked a limbless Hermes while showcasing his own shoes to him as they turned to dust, "I don\'t think, you\'ll need them anymore either way... considering the situation with your legs..."

"You\'ll... pay for this.... REMEMBER THAT- Argh!"

"You\'ll pay for this, you\'ll pay for that... blah blah blah. Who will make me pay? Your father? Well, he\'ll end up just as pathetically as you are if he even dared to show up around here."

Arnold had one of his hands tightly gripped around Hermes\' neck, while the other one was busy disintegrating Hermes\' prized shoes. They were a masterpiece, but Arnold wasn\'t interested in them. 

The thing he was interested in was their anatomy. The anatomy of these gods was quite funny, to say the least. Even though Arnold had severed both hands and legs of Hermes and not to mention, he was bleeding like crazy, he was just as feisty as he had been before. 

As much as Arnold wanted to continue marking the stage with the god\'s blood, Hermes\' disgusting blood was ruining his armour as well. So Arnold quickly sealed his wounds using hellfire as the gods watched on in horror.

Their brains couldn\'t comprehend how come a mortal was able to wield that kind of strength. Exactly what had this man been doing that no one else was? If he could subdue a god as if they were a bunch of goblins then letting such a mortal live was a problem... 

That was what the gods who supported Zeus were thinking. But for those, who were against Zeus, witnessing Arnold in action was a blessing. If they could help and gain his trust then they would have an unrivalled strength by their side to conquer any Pantheon they wanted. Hera was especially interested in him... for a purpose other than domination of other gods. 

"Looks like Mr moron still hasn\'t learned his lesson yet." Arnold smiled before slapping the crap out of Hermes, "Even though I have taken your shoes, your mouth is still as fast as before."

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Arnold wanted to humiliate him, and what better way was there other than slapping a god in front of other gods? The sound of each slap kept resounding over the crowd and with his slaps, a few gods cheered him on while the rest had to gulp their discomfort back in. But they swore one thing... once the competition was over, they would make the mortal cry tears of blood for the humiliation Arnold had given to them.

"I still haven\'t forgotten what you said about my wife... Did you want to make her your concubine? The same with my sister, right?" Arnold threw the god back on the ground and started walking towards the end of the arena where his summons were standing, "Tiamut, do you mind?"

"Not at all, master." Tiamut immediately handed her the sword as Arnold turned towards Talos.

"Your turn will come soon," Arnold whispered to Talos before walking back to where Hermes was lying helplessly.

With the crimson blade in his hand, Arnold looked even deadlier than he had before. But more importantly, the gods could feel what material was the sword made from. Celestial Gold... It was one of the two materials that the gods were afraid of, and Arnold had both of them.

However, the thing which shocked them the most was the fact that Arnold could get his hands on such rare materials that were a luxury to have even for the gods. First, it was Adamantine and now Celestial gold, no wonder Arnold was so cocky while fighting against Hermes. He had come prepared to take any of them in a battle. 

"I wanted to chop off your \'proud tool\' at first, but considering there isn\'t much to chop off in the first place," Arnold mumbled before burying the sword deep into Hermes\' shoulder, "I\'ll do something else, altogether. It\'s called Lingchi or Death by a Thousand Cuts, an ancient torture technique of my people. I hope you will enjoy the time you have left in this universe as a god."

While Arnold was ripping Hermes\' limbs apart, the god of speed didn\'t even flinch. Losing a couple of limbs wasn\'t something any god would have been concerned about. They lose them all the time and they could easily heal themselves later. 

However, as soon as the sword grazed his skin, Hermes\' face turned solid red as he could no longer hold in the desire to scream. The pain was blinding, he had never felt something like that in his life as a god. However, he wasn\'t the only one feeling the pain he was going through.

Every time Arnold gave Hermes a new cut, his screams sent shivers down the spine of the gods. Even Heimdall couldn\'t bear to watch the torturous way Arnold had decided to kill Hermes. But Arnold didn\'t stop.

Every time Hermes cried for help, Arnold\'s next cut got even slower. He was thoroughly enjoying it. Arnold also knew that his torturing Hermes was making the gods uncomfortable. That\'s why he didn\'t kill him immediately and kept going. He wanted the gods to fear him, he wanted to set an example at Hermes\' expense to show the gods that they weren\'t as mighty as they thought they were. 

If given the right tools, even a mortal can not only kill a god but thoroughly humiliate their entire kind. However, Arnold\'s fun came to an abrupt end when he received a notification from System sama.


Congratulations! You have slain the God of Speed [Hermes].

Rewards for your extraordinary feat are being calculated.


"What a pathetic loser," Arnold spat out in disgust, "Couldn\'t even survive 420 cuts..."

Arnold then wiped the Hermes\' blood off the sword and headed back to Tiamut. Finally, the torture had come to an end. Heimdall immediately made the announcement of Arnold\'s victory but stopped midway when Arnold returned to the stage with Talos walking right behind him. 

"What do you think you are doing?" Arnold asked a couple of soldiers from the Greek pantheon who were trying to retrieve Hermes\' corpse.

"They are taking away Hermes for his resurrection," Heimdall informed Arnold and waved over to the soldier to continue.

"Oh, I don\'t think so." As they took a step towards Hermes, Arnold kicked them off the stage, "It was a deathmatch wasn\'t it?"

"Yes, it was and you killed him so you won, The match is over." Heimdall tried explaining to Arnold, "The pantheon has the right to resurrect a fallen-"

"Shush~" Arnold firmly pressed his index finger across his lips, "Now, you listen to me. It was a deathmatch. Meaning, the battle wouldn\'t be over till one of us was dead. I killed him, I won. But tell me what would happen if it was the other way around?"

"What do you mean?" Heimdall asked Arnold.

"If I was the one who lost and died, would I be given the opportunity to get resurrected?" Arnold asked all of them there, "Just like Hermes, is being resurrected, I should be resurrected too right?"

Everyone was silent. None of them had expected Arnold to pull such a card, except Shiva who kept smiling.

\'This guy and his greed to obtain powerful summons...\' Shiva shook his head, \'I used to have that too.\'

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